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- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 29:
- If you doubt the fact that the Nazis never gave up and that they planned to
- continue the war after their defeat in Germany, and planned to make a
- comeback to finally achieve their goal, then perhaps you should read the
- following books:
- Connell, Brian, *A Watcher On The Rhine,* William Morrow & Co., New York,
- 1957. "Old wine in new bottles," how the Nazis have come back into power.
- Horne, Alistair, *Return To Power,* Fredrick A. Praeger, Inc., New York,
- 1956. "The struggle for unification, rather than any revival of Nazism, may
- one day force Germany out of the Western camp."
- Tetens, T.H., *The New Germany And The Old Nazis,* Random House, New York,
- 1961. "A frank and often shocking account which details how 'Hitler's own'
- have managed to return to power in almost every walk of German life..."
- Winkler, Paul, *The Thousand-Year Conspiracy,* Charles Scribner's Sons,
- 1943. "Secret Germany behind the mask."
- White, Theodore H., *Fire In The Ashes,* William Sloane Associates, New
- York, 1953. The fire of Nazism in the ashes of Europe.
- Sayers, Michael and Kahn, Albert E., *The Plot Against The Peace,* Book
- Find Club, New York, 1945. "...uncovers Nazi Germany's secret plans for a
- Third World War."
- Schultz, Sigrid, *Germany Will Try It Again,* Reynal & Hitchcock, New York,
- 1944. Does the title give you a clue?
- Dornberg, John, *Schizophrenic Germany,* MacMillan Company, New York, 1961.
- "Is the new West Germany of the postwar years as democratic as we have been
- led to believe, or does Nazism still smolder?"
- Lord Russell, Brigadier, of Liverpool, C.B.E., M.C., *Return of the
- Swastika?" David McKay Co., New York, 1969. Russell was part of the
- Nuremberg prosecution team.
- There are more, these just happen to be the ones in my personal library. I
- read them, mostly about 20 or 30 years ago. I do not mean to give the
- impression that Germany is the source of the world's problems; Germany has
- simply been a part of a much bigger picture. Other valuable books that will
- give you insight are:
- Bacque, James, *Other Losses,* Stoddart Publishing Co., Canada, 1989. The
- truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war
- AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead
- bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans.
- Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote in 1945
- that Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and
- killing German POWs. You can obtain the book probably from *Spotlight*
- Newspaper if you can't find it otherwise.
- Sutton, Anthony C., *Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, '76 Press, Seal
- Beach, Calif., 1976.
- Albert Einstein is a good example of another deception and hoax involved
- with the atomic bomb program. When many people think of the atomic bomb
- they think of Einstein. He was presented as the world's greatest scientist,
- and a hero of the atomic bomb program. Upon closer inspection, you will
- find that his major contributions were his use of his influence to obtain
- President Roosevelt's support for the bomb and he was the one personally
- responsible for bringing the major Communist atomic spy Klaus Fuchs into
- the Program. The Russians know nothing about the atomic bomb until Fuchs
- brought it to their attention in 1942. (*Heisenberg's War,* p. 524).
- Thanks to Fuchs, (and to a massive amount of Secret material illegally
- shipped through Lend-Lease) they were able to explode their own bomb in
- 1949. Einstein was a communist cell member with Fuchs. Fuchs was the top
- scientist on the Manhattan Project and he gave the atomic secrets to the
- Soviets. (Jordan, George Recey, *From Major Jordan's Diaries,* Harcourt,
- Brace and Co., New York, 1952.)
- We are taught that Einstein is the author of the Theory of Relativity, yet
- evidence has come for the proving that the real author was Mileva Maric,
- Einstein's first wife.
- Einstein had a reputation at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich of
- being a man with poor work habits and was often reprimanded for laziness
- during all his school years, including the University. He developed a
- romance with classmate Mileva who helped him with his math. His
- autobiography says "In my work participated a Serbian student Mileva Maric
- who I married later." She had an illegitimate daughter in 1902, which they
- gave up for adoption. They got married in 1903, separated in 1912 and
- divorced in 1919. This is when Einstein married his cousin Elsa. The
- original manuscript of the *The Theory of Relativity* submitted for
- publication had Maric's name on it as co-author.
- For more proof, see the article "Theory of Relativity - Who is its Real
- Author?" by Dr. Rastko Maglic and J. W. McGinnis, President, International
- Tesla Society, in the Jul/Aug 1994 issue of *Extraordinary Science*
- magazine, which contains references for further documentation.
- Einstein was a hoax and fraud saddled on the scientific community to
- prevent them from learning too much and to promote Jews as being superior,
- sort of Nazism in reverse.
- Einstein's famous equation "E=MC squared" is WRONG, or at best only
- partially correct. His definition of energy is WRONG, his definition of
- mass is WRONG, C is defined as the top speed possible for anything, then it
- is squared, which would be even faster and thus contradicts the definition.
- Light is described as a constant, which is WRONG as defined. In a higher
- understanding, light does not move, our perception of the speed of light is
- Those who REALLY understand, and who can prove it by creating matter out of
- "nothing" for instance, say that the original WHITE LIGHT is invisible and
- still. Read books by Walter Russell for more information.
- Einstein was a Zionist with membership in at least 16 Communist front
- organizations such as Friends of the Soviet. Einstein was head of the
- Jewish Black Book Committee, which was listed as a Communist front in the
- 1947 House Un-American Activities Committee Report.
- The correct science being discovered and revealed by such as Nikola Tesla,
- Walter Russell, Tom Bearden, Andrija Puharich, etc., was suppressed to
- prevent humanity from achieving energy independence (and thus political and
- military independence) from the Rockefeller/Rothschild oil/nuclear energy
- barons. This same technology leads to understanding of good health, and
- thus independence from the drug/medical crowd, who happen to be the same
- oil crowd crooks.
- Rosbaud was one of Britain's top spies in Nazi Germany. He worked as
- scientific adviser for the publishing firm of Springer Verlag. He came to
- know Albert Einstein, Peter Kapitsa, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, Leo
- Szilard, Otto Hahn, and others of importance in the quest for the Bomb.
- Kapitsa was the one later credited by Tom Bearden with creating Russia's
- advanced Tesla technology weapons. Kapitsa won the Nobel Prize in 1978 for
- his work on the physics of low temperatures and very strong magnetic
- fields, areas that were pursued in developing anti-gravity platforms.
- Rosbaud was code named The Griffin. History books say that the Allies found
- out from The Griffin that Germany did not have the atomic bomb, and thus
- the military could advance with more confidence. A book entitled *The
- Griffin* by Arnold Karmish (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1986, on page 199,
- chapter titled "Double-Cross" tells of this):
- "On Sunday, December 26, 1943, the day the *Scharnhorst* was sunk, the
- major headline in the London *Sunday Express* was THE SECRET WEAPON MAY NOT
- COME OFF. Beneath it was a long and accurate feature article by Kai
- Siegbahn, the son of Lise Meitner's reluctant host, Manne Siegbahn. He
- explained the fundamentals of nuclear energy and described the prewar
- research. As for the bomb, Siegbahn concluded: 'Despite all the
- secretiveness about researching in the uranium problem, I venture to say
- that the uranium bomb is still non-existent, except as a research objective
- It is rather difficult to say if it is possible at all to construct such a
- bomb, but for the present it seems as if an essential link is missing for
- making the uranium bomb a reality.'
- Even more remarkable, the *Sunday Express* went beyond Siegbahn's opinion
- to assure its readers that 'it may therefore be a source of consolation to
- know that able Swedish atoms-scientists believe that the Germans have not
- succeeded in creating atom explosives.' The *Express* explained its sources
- for the information by saying, 'Swedish scientists had close contacts with
- German scientists until the Germans recently arrested Norwegian professors
- and students.' Among those recently arrested was, of course, Odd Hassel.
- "Press security on the atomic bomb was extremely tight in the United States
- and even tighter in Britain, so the article's appearance seemed at first a
- puzzle. The *Express* was owned by William Maxwell Aitken, Lord
- Beaverbrook, formerly minister of war production and now lord privy seal.
- Lord Beaverbrook was intimately familiar with the history of the atomic
- bomb project and its present course, and he was in constant touch with his
- editors about what they should print. It was quite clear, then, that Kai
- Siegbahn's article was no accident - but what was its purpose?
- "It was not hard to discern the reassuring purpose of the message to the
- British public. Rumors about Hitler's secret weapons had been rife, and the
- actions against Rjukan had focused attention on the bomb. But the Gestapo
- and the Abwehr also read the British papers.
- "From the exploit of Jacques Allier to the attacks on the Norwegian
- installations, the Germans had kept reading the lesson that heavy water was
- essential for atomic research and that the Allies would do anything to halt
- production. Now, an article by a distinguished neutral scientist -
- apparently published with official approval - carried the strong
- implication that the British were still in a research stage and without
- much hope of 'making the uranium bomb a reality.'
- "The article was, of course, a deliberate SIS plant, conceived in the
- Double-Cross Committee (The XX Committee), chaired by John Masterman of
- MI-5."
- Lies were and are standard operating procedure for both sides. The article
- continues: "The top SIS expert on the Abwehr was Frank Foley [who worked
- with Masterman] of Section V, so he was recruited to the XX Committee as a
- senior advisor. In the early months, his work was interrupted by a special
- assignment, conducting the lengthy interrogation of Rudolf Hess. When he
- returned four months later, Foley took up the deception business once
- more."
- So you see that the ones involved with lying about the bomb were the same
- ones very interested in what was said by Rudolf Hess. Hess' information
- remained highly classified long after the war, until he was recently
- murdered so that they could close Spandau Prison and keep him from talking.
- In the book *Journey Into Madness, The True Story of Secret CIA Mind
- Control And Medical Abuse* by Gordon Thomas, p. 152, tells of one of the
- heads of the CIA mind-control programs, Dr. Grant Cameron, going to
- Nuremberg to "establish the state of mind of Rudolf Hess." I wonder if that
- is "establish" as in "to determine," or as in "to create."
- Rosbaud was a close friend with Goudsmit who ran Operation Alsos with Boris
- Pash. Goudsmit "formed a close friendship with Rosbaud that endured until
- Paul died" (p. 241).
- After the war, Rosbaud formed Pergamon Press with Robert Maxwell. Maxwell
- went on to become a British "press baron" (p. 250, *The Griffin*) and was
- working with the Israeli Mossad selling Israeli briefcase nuclear bombs
- like the ones used in the New York Trade Center bombing. (Interview with
- Galen Winsor by Tom Valentine, *Radio Free America,* March 23, 1993. These
- bombs were used by Special Forces as early as 1960 per Sgt. Joe Garner,
- "Army vet tested nuclear 'suitcase bombs' in 60s," *Houston Chronicle,*
- January 23, 1995. Also see "Backpack Nukes for 'Nam, Inside SF's
- Super-Secret A-Bomb Project" in *Soldier Of Fortune,* May 1995.)
- The information that spy Rosbaud, who was Jewish, provided is mentioned in
- a U.S. Department of Justice memorandum dated April 26, 1955, which reads:
- "[Rosbaud] returned to Germany determined to assist England and its allies
- at all costs. This he accomplished. The records in this matter contain
- official corroboration that Dr. Rosbaud remained in Berlin during World War
- II for the purpose of obtaining certain technical intelligence for the
- United States and the United Kingdom. This information was extremely useful
- and invaluable for the allied cause and involved great risk on the part of
- Dr. Rosbaud. His activities on behalf of the allied cause were successful
- and of such importance that even today they cannot be disclosed and are
- still highly classified."
- When you read the book, you see that the most important information that
- Rosbaud provided was the non-existent status of the German bomb. Yet, the
- exact details are still "highly classified." So what's the big deal, why is
- the information still above top secret (top secret items have been
- declassified)? Makes one wonder, doesn't it?
- Another curious "coincidence" is that, after Samisdat published the Nazi
- UFO information, two journalists from Springer Publishers flew to Toronto
- to interview Ernst Zundel (head of Samisdat) in person. Samisdat used to
- sell an audiotape of the interview.
- Another curiosity is Goudsmit. He turns up in interesting places. He
- supported Oppenheimer during Oppenheimer's espionage trials. The APRO
- (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, founded in 1952) *Bulletin,*
- August 1975, contained information obtained from declassified (and well
- sanitized) CIA records concerning the Robertson Panel which was convened in
- 1953 to study UFOs. Dr. H.P. Robertson was an expert in cosmology at
- California Institute of Technology, director of the Weapons System
- Evaluation Group in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and a CIA
- classified employee.
- The panel was convened by the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA
- and included Dr. Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, theoretical physicist and
- Chairman of the Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratories.
- Goudsmit was rather a heavy dude to be "wasting" time on UFOs that the
- government maintained did not exist. Other OSI panel members were Panel
- Chairman Dr. Howard Percy Robertson, on leave from his job as professor of
- Mathematical Physics at California Institute of Technology to be full time
- to OSI; physicist Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez, University of California,
- Berkeley, a specialist in magnetism and microwaves (it was speculated that
- the Roswell UFO was shot down by microwaves) and according to UFO
- researchers a member of Majestic-12 and the Jason Group; geophysicist Lloyd
- Viel Berkner, President of Associated Universities, Inc., which operated
- the particle accelerators of the Brookhaven National Laboratories
- (according to David Jacobs, *The UFO Controversy in America,* Berkner
- "accompanied Admiral Byrd" on Antarctic expeditions. Berkner is generally
- listed as a member of Majestic-12 and the Jason Group); astronomer Dr.
- Thornton Leigh Page, Deputy Director, Office of Operations Research, Johns
- Hopkins University and formerly a physicist with *Naval* ordnance.
- Others included Frederick Clark Durant, a rocket engineer; astronomer Dr.
- Joseph Allen Hynek, Ohio (home of Wright-Patterson) State University who
- was also a consultant to the U.S. Air Force Air Technical Intelligence
- Center (which did the UFO Blue Book Project). The Panel interviewed a long
- list of Generals and Chiefs and other Big Boys and Heavy Dudes.
- Fred Durant met regularly with Stuart Nixon, assistant to John Acuff, head
- of NICAP. (Timothy Good, *Above Top Secret,* William Morrow & Co., New
- York, 1988, p. 349.) Durant worked with von Braun, Krafft Ehricke, Harvard
- astronomer Fred Whipple, Maryland physicist Fred Singer, Navy Commander
- George Hoover and others on Ehricke's Moonbase and Marsbase projects.
- Army General John Medaris was in charge of the Army Ballistic Missile
- Agency over von Braun and on March 20, 1959, received a directive for a
- study of a manned lunar base. "General Medaris organized a crash effort to
- carry out the study, which became Project Horizon. Less than three months
- later, on June 8, the study was completed.
- On the first page of the study (four or five volumes of which have been
- declassified), the conclusions are stated: Military, political and
- scientific considerations indicate that it is imperative for the United
- States to establish a lunar outpost at the earliest practicable date...
- Project Horizon represents the earliest feasible capability for the U.S. to
- establish a lunar outpost" [Project Horizon 1959, vol. 1, p. 1]. (Marsha
- Freeman, *How We Got To The Moon, The Story of the German Space Pioneers,*
- 21st Century Science Associates, Washington, D.C., 1993, p. 210.)
- Ehricke worked with Dornberger at Bell until 1954 when he went with Convair
- Astronautics in California which was in charge of building space stations
- and the lunar base. *The Washington Star,* December 29, 1958, described the
- Convair station as "the brainchild of Krafft Ehricke." Durant, Whipple and
- George Hoover were part of the Office of Naval Research. Whipple's
- assistant, J. Allen Hynek, was part of the Robertson Panel, as was Durant.
- In UFO researcher William Steinman's correspondence with Grant Cameron, he
- states: "I contacted Dr. Alvarez in private, when he admitted that he did
- take part in the recovery of a saucer in Mexico. He would not go into
- detail concerning the events and who else was involved." Steinman wrote the
- book *UFO Crash At Aztec* which is an excellent source for more information
- on these men. Unfortunately it is a large, heavily documented book but with
- no index.
- Dr. Lloyd Berkner is also listed in *Assault On The Unknown, The
- International Geophysical Year* as the head of the American part of the
- International Geophysical Year study. He was radio man on the first Byrd
- Expedition to the Antarctic and developed the sounder that charts the
- radio-reflecting layers of the atmosphere. Berkner was Chairman of the
- Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Operation Highjump
- is not mentioned, but Berkner was part of Operation Deepfreeze at the
- Antarctic in 1957-1958, headed by Byrd until his death, as were Werner von
- Braun and Frederick C. Durant. Berkner became a Navy Rear Admiral.
- Another Antarctic scientist was Dr. Carl Augustus Heiland, who worked with
- Vannevar Bush and who was part of the on-site recovery team of the Aztec
- UFO crash (p. 85, *UFO Crash At Aztec*). He appears to be a Paperclip
- scientist, as he received his Doctorate from the University of Hamburg.
- Another very important scientist was Dr. Eric Henry Wang. I will not go
- into his story at this time, except to quote Steinman: "The subject of Dr.
- Eric Henry Wang remains one of the most touchy and sensitive areas in all
- ufology" (p. 282). Dr. Eric Wang was head of the Office of Special Studies
- of the Air Materials Command at Wright-Patterson AFB. He was an
- Austrian-born graduate of the Vienna Technical Institute and "a close
- associate of Victor Schauberger." (Hamilton, William F., *Cosmic Top
- Secret,* Inner Light, 1991, p. 23.) Steinman's book has a whole chapter on
- Nazi German "flying disk" projects, many of which used Schauberger's
- designs.
- Goudsmit concluded that UFO sightings were "due to a formation of ducks or
- other birds." The official conclusion of the panel was that interest in
- UFOs was dangerous and that the situation should be downplayed and covered
- up. Jacobs said that Robertson showed the final report of the panel to
- General Charles Cabell, director of Air Force intelligence and later Deputy
- Director of the CIA in charge of clandestine operations, "who expressed
- satisfaction with it."
- Cabell's brother Earl was the Mayor of Dallas during the Kennedy
- assassination, and apparently was the one who ordered the motorcade to
- change routes into the ambush area. Earl later went to work for Howard
- Hughes. General Cabell was the person who briefed President Kennedy prior
- to the Bay of Pigs invasion. Robert Groden in *High Treason* quotes Victor
- Marchetti as saying that Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, E. Howard Hunt, Frank
- Sturgis, Bernard Barker, Charles Cabell, and Richard Nixon "were all
- working together in the CIA's Bay of Pigs planning operation."
- Kennedy later fired Cabell. Cabell and Richard Bissell were in charge of
- the U-2 program. Lee Harvey Oswald was given a job within one week of his
- arrival in Dallas working on maps for the U-2 flights (Jim Garrison, *On
- The Trail of The Assassins*). In 1957, Oswald was a radar operator at the
- U-2 base in Atsugi, Japan.
- General Cabell ordered the re-activation of Project Grudge on October 27,
- 1951, and on December 11, 1951, Major General John A. Stamford, "having
- replaced Major General Cabell as director of intelligence, was given a full
- briefing of the service's UFO program by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and
- Colonel Frank Dunn, chief of the Air Technical Intelligence Center."
- (Flammonde, Paris, *UFOs Exist!* Ballantine Books, New York, 1976, p.
- 392-393.)
- According to Leonard Moseley, *Dulles,* p. 366, Bissell "was a friend of
- Frank Wisner, and had first met Foster [John Foster Dulles] when Eleanor
- threw a party at McLean for her brothers, Vice-President Nixon, Bob Bowie,
- and other members of the administration." I don't have the proof, but I'll
- bet that Cabell and Bissell and Boris Pash were very cozy, especially when
- Cabell was second in command under Allen Dulles. Recall that Wisner was the
- CIA head of the Gehlen Nazi spy group.